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April 30, 2009

Bunch of Amateurs, A

Jefferson Steel (Burt Reynolds) is an ageing Hollywood action hero. He’s out of work, vain insecure and is desperate to revive his flagging career. Under pressure from his client, Jefferson’s incompetent LA agent Charlie (Charles Durning) is forced to go through his trash in a final attempt to find Jefferson work… and stumbles upon the perfect role: a prestige run in the British theatre playing King Lear at Stratford.

Jefferson believes he has landed the role of a lifetime and arrives in the UK only to discover the reality. Instead of a leading role in a Royal Shakespeare Company Production at Stratford upon Avon, Jefferson has committed to star as King Lear for an amateur dramatic society in Stratford St John in Suffolk.

Burt Reynolds, Derek Jacobi, Imelda Staunton, Camilla Arfwedson, Samantha Bond, Ty Davies, Charles Durning, Elesia Ennis, Sarah Goldberg, Peter Gunn & Libby Hayter