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April 22, 2009

Mutant Chronicles

In the year 2707, Earth's natural resources have been exhausted by mankind. Battle rages between the soldiers of four leading Corporations: Capitol, Bauhaus, Mishima and Imperial. When the violence breaks an ancient stone seal, Necromutants appear and begin to multiply by the millions, destroying all before them. The Corporations' leader, Constantine (John Malkovich), is about to abandon the planet and leave countless innocents to their desperate fate, when he is approached by Brother Samuel (Ron Pearlman), leader of the Brotherhood, an ancient monastic order who offers hope to the discouraged leader. Against the odds Constantine entrusts brother Samuel and other likeminded soldiers to save them from the mutant armies.

Actors: Sean Pertwee, Ron Perlman, Tom Wu, Thomas Jane, Steve Toussaint
Directors: Simon Hunter