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June 1, 2009


Hydropure is the latest vitamin drink craze to hit Boston. When the city's mayor is shot dead, the assassin gives reporter Ben (Gil Bellows, Ally McBeal) evidence that the mayor's ties to the drink were not what they seemed. Scientific proof from a lab whiz (Jesse Todd, The Day After Tomorrow) proves to Ben and fellow reporter Lisa (Maxim Roy, ReGenesis) that Hydropure is spreading an alien virus poised to take over the planet! Hunted every step of the way, they must stop the deadly spread of the virus before everyone becomes Infected. This sci-fi thriller also stars Isabella Rossellini (Blue Velvet) and Judd Nelson (The Breakfast Club).

Cast & Crew
• Isabella Rossellini
• Judd Nelson
• Gil Bellows

• Thomas Schnauz

• Irene Litinsky

• Adam Weissman