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May 29, 2010

Last Stop 174

The story expands on a real-life event, the hijacking of a bus in Rio de Janeiro in 2000, that inspired Jose Padilha's documentary Bus 174 (2002). It supposedly tells the story of the hostage-taker, Sandro do Nascimento, a 21 year old homeless man who terrorized 11 passengers for 4½ hours and was killed by asphyxiation in a police car on the way to the hospital. Last Stop 174 focuses on how he was doomed to become a criminal. After seeing his mother being murdered when he was six years old, Sandro became a street kid and later started to steal to sustain his drug addition. SCREENED/AWARDED AT: Toronto International Film Festival,

Actors: Anna Cotrim, Chris Vianna, Gabriela Luiz, Jana Guinoud, Marcello Melo Junior
Directors: Bruno Barreto