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September 23, 2010

Artois the Goat

In this award-winning romantic farce, lab technician Virgil Gurdies (Mark Schreibmeir) embarks on an epic quest to create the greatest goat cheese the world has ever known and reclaim the heart of his beloved Angie (Sydney Andrews), who has taken a new job a world away.
To follow her means signing his life over to his soul-sapping career in artificial flavor additives. To stay behind is to risk losing her forever.

Armed only with a passion for artisanal dairy products, Virgil (and his tiny white goat Artois) head for the hills to craft a cheese that will change the world. A cheese that will buy him a new life. A cheese of destiny.

Cast & Crew
• Sydney Andrews
• Mark Scheibmeir

• Cliff Bogart
• Kyle Bogart

• Richard Reininger

• Cliff Bogart
• Kyle Bogart