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October 4, 2010


The Winners are a down and out band who find their road to stardom by riding rock-n-roll's highway to hell. It all begins when their bass player, Jennifer (Jessica Pare), disappears with a mysterious vampire and reemerges with a sexual charisma that drives the audiences wild. Now, The Winner are topping the charts and blazing a bloody trail across North America with legendary vampire hunter Eddie Helsig (Malcolm McDowell) hunting them along the way. Who knew fame and immortally could "suck" like this?

Cast & Crew

• Malcolm McDowell
• Iggy Pop
• Jessica Pare
• Dave Foley
• Henry Rollins
• Alice Cooper
• Rob Stefaniuk
• Moby
• Alex Lifeson
• Dimitri Coats

• Rob Stefaniuk

• Robin Crumley
• Jeff Rogers

• Rob Stefaniuk