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December 4, 2010

Dark and Stormy Night

A strange and mysterious group of strange, mysterious people gathers in the old dark house of the Cavinder Estate for the reading of the will of the late Sinas Cavinder. Strangest and most mysterious of this group is the unseen psychopathic killer who is killing the attendees one by one.
Larry Blamire and his usual stellar ensemble cast - including Daniel Roebuck, Jennifer Blaire, Dan Conroy, Brian Howe, Fay Masterson, Trish Geiger, Jim Beaver and more - conjure up the most frightfully funny "old dark house" movie in ages! Mystery, suspense, screams and laughs - Dark And Stormy Night delivers it all!

Cast & Crew
• Fay Masterson
• Jennifer Blaire
• Daniel Roebuck
• Brian Howe
• Brendan Conroy
• Jim Beaver

• Brian Ward