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January 4, 2011

Death Of Mr. Lazarescu, The

A Black Comedy With Serious Side Effects

After suffering terrible headaches which he can no longer bear, Dante Lazarescu finally calls for an ambulance. Accompanied by paramedic Mioara, who becomes his lone ally, Lazarescu begins his night-long journey in search of proper medical care.

Cast & Crew
• Gabriel Spahiu
• Doru Ana
• Mihai Bratila
• Adrian Titieni
• Florin Zamfirescu
• Mimi Branescu
• Dana Dogaru
• Clara Voda
• Luminita Gheorghiu
• Ion Fiscuteanu

• Cristi Puiu
• Razvan Radulescu

• Bobby Paunescu
• Anca Puiu

• Cristi Puiu