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February 21, 2011


From the internationally acclaimed direct of Kaosh and Kippur, Academy Award winner Julietee Binoche (The English Patient, Chocolat) stars as Ana, a directionless Frenchwoman who must return to Israel to find the child she abandoned at birth. But together with her half-brother, an Israeli policeman, she will discover that her now-grown daughter will soon be forcibly evicted from a Gaza Strip settlement. Amidst the explosive clashes between soldiers and settlers, can one woman now face the truth about commintment, identity, and a history that can never be buried? Liron Levo (Kippur), Hiam Abbass (The Visitor) and the legendary Jeanne Moreau (Jules and Jim) co-star in this provacative drama - the final film in writer/director Amos Gitai's "Border Triology" - that critics and audiences worldwide hail for its daring and controversial take on the Gaza conflict.

Cast & Crew
• Juliette Binoche
• Jeanne Moreau
• Barbara Hendricks
• Liron Levo

• Marie Jose Sanselme
• Amos Gitai

• Amos Gitai