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February 1, 2011


When David's (Sam Page) fiancé Georgie (Natassia Malthe) is kidnapped while on a vacation in Spain, she is forced onto a floating "Pleasure Palace" she quickly becomes the favored concubine in a harem of kidnapped women belonging to The White Arab, a dangerous and depraved drug dealer.
Meanwhile, her boyfriend David must wade through a quagmire of corrupt officials, drug dealers and crazed locals to unravel the mystery of Georgie's abduction and stage a brazen rescue... before it's too late!

Cast & Crew
• Michael Maxwell
• Natassia Malthe
• David Gant
• Sam Page
• Roger Pera
• Howard Marks

• Brett Goldstein

• Darryn W. Welch

• Darryn W. Welch