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March 23, 2011

Jackboots On Whitehall

It's got a dose of Team America. A bit of Braveheart. Nazis invading London. And a whole host of laughs. With creative puppetry a brilliant British cast including Ewan McGregor and Stephan Merchant and a sense of unashamedly British humour that draws on everything from Viz and 'Allo 'Allo - Jackboots On Whitehall is an entertaining and rebellious film for all to enjoy - or as we like to call it: Team America meets Inglorious Basterds! The action begins as the Nazis - led by the campest Hitler on record (Alan Cumming) - plan an invasion of England. As Winston Churchill (Timothy Spall) plots an evacuation to Scot Land... somewhere in England's green and pleasant countryside farmworker Chris (Ewan McGregor) is trying to win the heart of Daisy (Rosamund Pike) while rueing the fact that he can't fight for his country because his hands are too big. When the Germans hit town it falls to Chris and his countryside cohorts to come to the rescue and the raggle-taggle band head to Hadrian's Wall to seek help from the bloodthirsty Scots.