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August 3, 2011


In 1831, on the eve of Halloween, the villagers of Hollow Glen engage in an annual festival where they toss their diseased crops into a blazing fire, in hopes of blessing them with an abundant field for the next year. But when one couple takes the ritual too far and throws their sickly, deformed child into the inferno, their murderous action results in something far more horrific than they could have imagined. Out of the ashes and smoke rises something so evil, so monstrous, that the town is forever cursed. This creature is known as THE GOBLIN…and he waits for the moments when he can seek his revenge!

Actors: Gil Bellows, Tracy Spiridakos, Camille Sullivan, Donnelly Rhodes, Reilly Dolman
Directors: Jeffery Scott Lando
Writers: Raul Inglis
Producers: John Prince, Josée Bernard, Lisa M. Hansen, Peter von Gal, Tom Berry