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September 24, 2012

Revenant, The

Keeping our streets safe for the undead

Bart Gregory (David Anders, TV's The Vampire Diaries) has been killed in action and buried with full honors - so why is he up and walking around? Turning to his best friend Joey (Chris Wylde, Joe Dirt) for the answer, the two buddies conclude that to keep Bart from decomposing, he needs blood... and lots of it! To get it, they become nighttime vigilantes, draining gangsters, drug dealers and bad guys alike of their precious blood. The side benefit of the bloodlust is safer streets for all, but more angry, undead criminals have a bone to pick with Bart and Joey.

Cast & Crew
• Louise Griffiths
• Jacy King
• David Anders
• Chris Wylde

• Kerry Prior

• Jacques Thelemaque
• Liam Finn
• Kerry Prior

• Kerry Prior