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August 7, 2013

Hatchet III

Beloved horror icons (re-)unite in Hatchet III, the epic third installment of Adam Green's modern slasher franchise, as Marybeth (Danielle Harris, Halloween) uncovers the true secret to stopping the voodoo curse that has left the ghost of deformed maniac Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder, Friday the 13th) haunting and stalking the New Orleans bayou for decades.

An entire police department, paramedic response team, and heavily armed S.W.A.T. unit face off with the iconic slasher in this action packed and explosive film full of stunts and jaw dropping gore effects that raise both the bar and the body count of the previous two films put together.

Also starring genre favorites Zach Galligan (Gremlins), Caroline Williams (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2), and Derek Mears (Friday the 13th, Predators)

Zach Galligan
Danielle Harris
Kane Hodder