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SynopsisSmart. Outspoken. Opinionated. Four-time Emmy® Award winner Wanda Sykes is back! Dominating over everything from television sitcoms to feature films, this comedian extraordinaire has returned in her second solo HBO® comedy special, I'ma Be Me. Live from Washington D.C. and edgier than ever, Wanda holds nothing back as she riffs on the perks of having a black president, coming out, getting married, motherhood, aging and twenty-first century pirates. With her trademark wit, Wanda shocks and astonishes at every turn in this feature-length special.
Cast & CrewActors:
• Wanda Sykes
SynopsisDwayne Johnson stars as Derek Thompson, one of the toughest hockey players around - until he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as the world's most unlikely tooth fairy! Even though he must sport frilly wings and learn the magical tricks of the trade from his silver-winged superiors (Julie Andrews and Billy Crystal), Derek's determined to do the job his way and prove he's got what it takes!
Cast & CrewActors:
• Billy Crystal
• Ashley Judd
• Julie Andrews
• Dwayne Johnson (AKA The Rock)
• Seth MacFarlane
• Stephen Merchant
• Michael Lembeck
SynopsisRatko tells the tale of a likable scion of an evil foreign despot as he navigates his rather unique way at an American university. A comedy of culture clash on a global scale, Ratko marks both National Lampoon's return to college comedy, and the reemergence of cult-classic director Savage Steve Holland (Better Off Dead, One Crazy Summer).
Cast & CrewActors:
• Katrina Bowden
• Efren Ramirez