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August 26, 2009

Hollywood Kills

James (Happy Mahaney) and Vaughn (Mathew Scollon), two Texas cousins, arrive in Hollywood to visit Sarah (Angela DiMarco), James' sister and her roommate Chantelle (Gillian Shure), an aspiring actress/bombshell.

The foursome's path crosses two Hollywood players, Ken Vincent (Todd Duffy) and Nate Folds (Zack Ward), who promise to let them in on a secret Hollywood club. Ken and Nate are in the employ of Francis Fenway (Dominic Keating), whose ego and narcissism drove a wedge between himself and the studio system. Fenway has created a new breed of filmmaking. 'Horror Reality', and has lined up James, Sarah, Vaughn, and Chantelle as his next 'stars/victims'.

Cast & Crew
• Happy Mahaney
• Angela DiMarco
• Zack Ward
• Dominic Keating