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January 5, 2010

Dungeon Of Dr. Dreck, The

It's the 1960's. Local programming thrives as TV stations create shows for their viewing public. Suddenly the "horror host" becomes a nationwide presence on the airwaves as old horror and sci-fi movies are released to television. Dr. Dreck and Moaner go on the air in the small town of Fibbia, Mass. They incur the wrath of the station's grand dame, Louise Morgan, when the popularity of their show pushes her show off the air. So Louise gets nasty. But Dr. Dreck and Moaner can get nastier. Because they are what they really seem to be; a mad scientist and a zombie!

Cast & Crew
• Phyllis Weaver
• Lorna Nogueira
• Michael Legge
• Ed Benjamin III
• James Porter
• John Shanahan

• Michael Legge

• Michael Legge