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September 15, 2010

Lena Baker Story

Based on the true life story of Lena Baker, the first woman to be sent to the electric chair in Georgia for the murder of her employer, who forced her into sexual slavery, The Lena Baker Story takes place in the early 1900's through 1945 in Cuthbert, Georgia. It's the story of one woman's attempt to rise above the challenges of life, the choices she makes, and the consequences of those choices. The moment she thinks she has overcome her inner demons, she is called to work for Elliot Arthur, a father, a millworker and a drunk. As their relationship unfolds, it becomes strange, strained, and highly unacceptable for the time. Elliot Arthur needs Lena and in return Lena seems to need him. He abuses her and keeps her from her children by imprisoning her in his home. When she has finally had enough, Lena stands up and attempts to break free from the bondage of Elliot Arthur. A struggle ensues, and Elliot Arthur, a white man, is shot by Lena Baker, an African-American woman, on a hot, humid night in Southwest Georgia in 1945.
Actors: Chris Burns, Dwayne Boyd, Jasmine Farmer, Kenny Cook, Mike Hickman
Directors: Ralph Wilcox