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September 19, 2010

Lost Skeleton Returns Again, The

Jerranium 90. A "little rock" that made all the papers. Only what didn't make the papers is that the main source of this newly discovered element is buried deep within the Amazon. And everybody wants it. So when Reet Pappin is sent on a mission, vital to national security, to find Dr. Paul Armstrong - now a bitter alcoholic disenchanted with science - he may have his work cut out for him! Especially when joined by Armstrong's loyal wife Betty and the mind control - susceptible twin brother of Dr. Roger Fleming, who's carrying a familiar sinister skull belonging to none other than the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra himself!
As the parties converge in the dreaded Valley of the Monsters, other familiar faces begin to pop up, as well as a variety of monsters and an ancient race known as the cantaloupe people, led by their haughty queen, Chinfa. Who will get what they want? And who won't?

Cast & Crew

• Fay Masterson
• Christine Romeo
• H.M. Wynant
• Brian Howe
• Frank Dietz

• Larry Blamire

• Larry Blamire