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September 6, 2010


East Los Angeles has its nights filled with blood and darkness as Vampiros from a distant dimension are on the loose. Blanca, a Mexican American girl, is being chased by Sexicana, a very hot Vampira who wants nothing more than to kill Blanca for sexual pleasure. One night Blanca meets Casanova Vladimires (Damian Chapa) who falls in love with her and becomes her protector. During Blanca's stay with Casanova, he teaches her all the secrets of the evil Vampiros and how they want to destroy Casanova because he is half human and has the ability to procreate, which would ruin the pure DNA of the Vampiro line. Blanca helps Casanova fight off the evil Vampiros not knowing that Casanova has kept a secret from Blanca.

Cast & Crew
• Vida Harlow
• Leslie Garza
• Veronica Rodriquez
• Damian Chapa

• Jorge Ramirez Rivera