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October 31, 2010

For Heaven's Sake

Sarah Miller (Henderson) known to her grand children as "Nanny," is still slim and athletic in her early seventies. She's a successful author, feisty, intellectual and full of fun. Her grand daughter Katie (Stephanie Patton Shadowheart) is closest to her and together they prepare Katie's 11th birthday. But before it arrives, Sarah suffers a fatal heart attack and finds herself on a celestial roller coaster en route to heaven. Not particularly religious, Sarah is nevertheless accepted into Heaven, and begins her preparation to meet her parents, the love of her life and others that past before her. Back on Earth, Katie is not taking her grandmother's passing lightly, and on her birthday she collapses and is rushed to the hospital. After heavenly bureaucratic rambling, Sarah gets one last chance to visit her grand daughter on Earth, and appears to Katie in the hospital. Katie wants nothing more than to join her grandmother in heaven, but Sarah convinces her that life on Earth is a beautiful journey worth experiencing. For Heaven's Sake! Is an emotional, life affirming roller coaster ride for the entire family, with resounding overtones of faith.

Cast & Crew
• Florence Henderson
• Allison Lange
• David Paetkau

• Nat Christian

• Nat Christian