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October 4, 2010


Note: Movie is in Italian with English subtitles

The true story of the French-Algerian clown Miloud Oukili from his arrival in Romania, back in 1992 in his early twenties (three years after the end of Ceausescu's dictatorship), to his encounter with the street children of Bucharest, the so called "boskettari"--groups of kids living in the streets and sleeping in underground Bucharest making a living out of small thefts, begging and prostitution. Miloud wants to meet these kids, which have been completely hardened by their tragic lives (full of fights, violence, losses, pedophilia and drugs), and bring some hope to their existence. Although hampered by corrupted officers, Miloud will succeed in creating a real circus company with the "boskettari." The street children will perform in Bucharest's main square, proving the world that they are human beings, just like everybody else. Parada is the name of the established circus company that today still travels around Europe with its own show, carrying a message of friendship, solidarity and hope. SCREENED/AWARDED AT: Venice Film Festival,
Actors: Andreea Perminov, Cristina Nita, Daniele Formica, Evita Ciri, Florin Precup
Directors: Marco Pontecorvo