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December 23, 2010

Possession Of David O‘Reilly, The

In the realm of The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, The Possession Of David O'Reilly marks the UK as the next hot source for original, inventive horror. Giles Alderson stars as David O'Reilly, a guy dumped by his girlfriend and looking to crash with his London friends for the night. Unfortunately, O'Reilly is bringing more than emotional baggage because something - a demon, a ghost, an alien? - is stalking his every move. O'Reilly knows more than he's admitting - why else does he immediately pour a line of salt across the doorstep? - but is he possessed or just paranoid? Uneasiness soon ramps up into sheer fright in a movie that Pax Romano admitted left him "surprised and scared witless." Watch it and - if you're really brave - invite your friends over to join you.

Cast & Crew
• Francesca Fowler
• Zoe Richards
• Giles Alderson
• Nicholas Shaw

• Andrew Cull

• Stephen Isles

• Andrew Cull
• Stephen Isles