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May 29, 2012


When Jeremy Reins (Stephen Dorff, Somewhere, Public Enemies) wakes up in a cramped space with the only light coming from the digital numbers ticking away above his head, he knows he's in trouble. Confused and disoriented with no one answering his cries for help, he suddenly hears an engine rev and his predicament becomes clear: he's trapped in the trunk of a moving car.
As his captors reveal themselves and their motives, Jeremy realizes he won't be set free until he gives up the whereabouts of a secret location where the U.S. President is taken in the event of a terrorist attack. With time running out and his options limited, Jeremy must use every ounce of his strength and intelligence to make it out of this ordeal alive.

Cast & Crew
• Chyler Leigh
• Stephen Dorff

• Gabe Torres