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August 10, 2010

Bass Ackwards

When Humble Linas (Linas Phillips), kicked off of his friend's couch and spurned by his lover, finds a forgotten van on a llama farm outside Seattle, he begins lurching east with nothing to lose. Slowly, the road eases him out of his relentless longing and into the moment. As his encounter with enigmatic characters take on subtly transcendent qualities, his shame and discomfort at being along gradually give away to self-acceptance and connection. The dented, off-kilter vehicle, which valiantly, amazingly endures the journey, becomes a colorful metaphor for the human condition - our tenacity and hopefulness always tingled with imperfection. This utterly original, lyrical and visually exciting adventure has such a light touch that it quietly sneaks up and tugs you into an overpowering appreciation of being human.

Cast & Crew
• Linas Phillips

• Thomas Woodrow

• Linas Phillips