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August 10, 2010

Killer Bitch

A woman is forced into a deadly game in which she has to kill five people or all her friends and family will be butchered. With extreme violence and red hot sex, it's a hard-edged lads' movie that takes no prisoners. Attacked by media worldwide as vile, sordid and ultra-violent; this now notorious British gangster film stars Yvette Rowland with cage fighter Alex Reid, former World Boxing Champion Robin Reid and the most True Crime legends ever caught on film, including Roy Shaw, Cass Pennant, Howard Marks, Jason Marriner, Carlton Leach, Dave Courtney and many more. Vile? Degrading? Sick? Porn? Now YOU can decide.

Actors: Alex Reid, Cass Pennant, Carlton Leach, Dave Courtney, Roy Shaw
Directors: Liam Galvin